Friday, May 29, 2009

The Crab Moves On

If you've been hip to what I've tried to accomplish here
If you are an open-minded sort who is capable of engaging in polite exchange even when disagreeing with someone
If you want to be a part of something truly unique
Then click the banner below and join the Strange crew.
Because from now on, all things relating to the book and my mission will be found there.
If you were part of things here, thank you. I hope you will continue to be a part of it at my very own bizarre little home.

Visit New Strange World

Monday, May 25, 2009

To Book Sign or Not to Book Sign

I believe it was Jodi Picoult who once said that while book signings benefit certain authors, there are other authors who it actually hurts. I believe I would fall into the second category. I'm extremely shy by nature (which is the reason I used to get seriously smashed at any kind of social event) and my voice has a tendency to shake when I get too nervous. Also, I'm not much to look at, so I don't like having my picture taken.

Sometime this summer I'm signed up to do a "blog tour." Even that makes me kind of nervous. I've been so tired for such a long time and under so much stress that I don't know if I can muster what it takes to sound excited about my project. I hope I can pull it from somewhere. There's nothing like having people say "well, she doesn't sound very intense about what she's doing, why should we be?"

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Friday, May 22, 2009

u need 2 lrn 2 spl

There is no such word as "u" in the English language. The word is you. Y-O-U. "U" is a letter. Get it? Got it? Good!

Just had to get this off my chest. Especially when I see people using "u" for "you" on a so called "serious" website, I just want to go postal!

Using "u" instead of "you" makes an otherwise smart person look super duper uber stuuuuupid!!!!!!!!

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Paying for Entre Card

I use Entre Card ( and I do think it gets results. However, I simply do not have time to be doing drops on a regular basis. I think it is helpful to go through and examine the various blogs once a month, however, to find possible advertising sources, as I am always looking for cheap, effective advertising.

I decided to pay for my Entre Card advertising. At 60 cents for 1000 impressions or 4 cents per click, it is pretty affordable. And unlike Google, I can pay as I go rather than having my debit card nuked for a minimum of $5 a day. While a lot of Internet marketers use Entre Card, it seems that a lot of creatives use it as well. I get no compensation for sharing this information. It is simply my impression of the service.

I also intend to add a question to my main site asking people to tell me where they found me.

Sometimes its hard for us right brain types to wrap our heads around the left brain stuff necessary for promotion. It's been a hell of a journey for me. Which is why I like to share what I find, to make it easier for others.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

My latest 1 Million Monkeys Snippet

It was noplace that I could ever remember being in my life. It was so beautiful and clean. No smog on the horizon, in fact, nary a sound of a motor anywhere. The buzzing of bees, the chirping of birds, this was all I could hear. I walked over to the lake and waded in up to my knees, then walked back out and sat down on the wonderful soft grass. Could I have died and gone to Heaven? This was all too beautiful to be real.

I looked at the trees surrounding the lake. There seemed to be every kind of tree imaginable. Palm trees, pine trees, willow trees, apple trees. Truly, this must be Eden, or some very close approximation.
I walked over to one of the apple trees and grabbed an apple. It was perfectly ripe, not a blemish anywhere. As I was about to take a bite, I heard a low, hissing voice beside me.
"Don't eat that. You remember what happened last time."
I looked slightly down and to my right. A serpent was coiled around the tree. A talking serpent, admonishing me not to eat the apple.
Then something cold and slimy tapped me on the left arm. Another snake proceeded to speak to me.
"Don't listen to that wuss. These are good apples. The best in the Universe. Every one filled with knowledge. You know you want to eat it. Trust me."
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing," the first snake warned. "A lot can be downright deadly."
I looked at the snakes and back at the apple. Did I listen to the snake on the right or the snake on the left? Whatever I chose could effect every being in the Universe. What to do?

Read the rest of the story here.